free medical treatment must be realized

Good afternoon ladies and gentlement
I want to tell you a story about a little girl, she was my neighbor. Her age was about 5 years old but she's already has quite deadly disease that was tumor.
She had long suffered from that disease. But, because her parents did not have enough money, so,this little girl was never taken to the hospital, and she just treated using traditional herbs by her parents. However, traditional herbs are not enough help to heal this little girl. The little girl's body had become extremely vulnerable to all diseases, and finally, her life beyond help.

Will we wait until something like this happened to us or  the other siblings ? I strongly belive that free medical  treatment will be very useful for people, especially the poor people. I wiss to discuss about the reasons why people deserve get free medical treatment and then the types of treatment that should be given for free to the public and the last is about systems that can be applied to provide the free medical treatment.
Firstly, based on goverment regulation No.36/2009, on health legislation, country allocates 15% of funds to finance the free medical treatment. Free medical treatment  is considered as the most appropriate way to prosperous the poor people. However , This all has become a state policy that all citizens which underprivileged are entitled get protecting and service by the state. Free medical treatment is also applied in the UK, and UK become the mirror of the country that can make welfare to their people trough free medical treatment, and almost 90% of the cost borne by country. It is done also because their human resources are highly develop. So, they are able to ensure the health of their people that underprivileged.
Secondly, the types of treatment that should be given for free to the public, such as cataract surgery, hernia, cancer and tumor, because these diseases common in society and most importantly is giving free medicines to people who need it. More over, these diseases should be handle by major surgery and need a lot of money, while many people who can not afford the surgery costs.
Thridly,  implementation of free treatment and performend with variety of systems, such as, giving cards to each person who underprivileged and need help in the field of medicine, or can be done by setting up the stands for free medical treatment in various romote areas. According to data from NHS(national health service), 2012. In UK, 90% of this activity depends on the sucsess of the implement system in this country. For example, in UK, they apply a system that requires their citizens who afford to pay taxes on their income and the funds are used to finance the poor people to get treatment by constributing free of cost treatment card.
in conclusion, I would like to reiterate that free medical treatment is important, especially for poor people, because they do not have enough money to pay it.  The government is supposed to bear the welfare to improve the human resources. implementation of free treatment is one way to make it happen. In addition, implementation of free medical treatment must be run strictly and regularly so, the health problems that occur in Indonesian society can be overcome.
Thank you all very much.
Wassalamamualaikum wr.wb


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